Become Member DXN
Around the World

Healthy Coffee Lingzhi
with Ganoderma Lucidum Extract
DXN Company (MLM).
Attention Lovers of Sales in America, Europe and Worldwide !
If you are from Bolivia Register HERE
If you are from CANADA Register HERE
If you are from Colombia Register HERE
If you are from México Register HERE
If you are from Peru Register HERE
If you are from ( U.S.A. ) Register HERE

Are you from another Country?; Continue Reading :
DXN offers you the ability to enter and have your pre-registration with which you can buy at recruiting and Distributor, is not required to register your pages right now, paying your membership will decide and collect their bonuses generated in if you have built comosiones.
To become a member of DXN at home and eat our delicious, nutritious and highly beneficial Coffee, Tea and Chocolate with Ganoderma Lucidum, join through the next page; And following steps:
1. Clic " Become a New Member "
2. Clic " Continue "
3. Chose your country from the list and clic Continue
4. Put the code of the person who SPONSOR which in this case is as follows:
I.D. : 180005288 - Gloria Beatriz Marañón Rendón
Clic Check Sponsor ( appears the name of your sponsor )
and clic Continue.
NOTE: DON'T CHECK : "if you do not have a sponsor, please check here"
5. Create your USERNAME and PASSWORD
It is important to place a common username and password, and is the same as used in your mail or other frequently use so you do not forget, since these data needed later.
Then fill in all the information we ask you:
In the part of the phone number you must place the international dialing Example:00528513254196.
In the part of the email to verify that there are no spaces or some other error as the lack of @.
Check In general spaces, Country, City, Telephone, Excetera matching; otherwise it will not generate the code and there will only be time wasted.
Fill the form with your basic data correctly spelled; spaces with asterisks (*) are mandatory.
6. Clic Continue.
7. After clicking I AGREE, and can Print the Welcome Letter.
8. You get your own DXN CODE ( International and Lifetime Membership ).
With this code and following the same steps can his arm a large network of consumers that will ensure your financial freedom.
Take advantage of this great opportunity and do not let go.

The steps for doing business in the DXN Company are:
1. Being over 18 years old to Register.
2. Buy each month thirty (30) PV (Point Value) product, equivalent to seven (7) boxes.
3. Invite at least one (1) person per month and do the same as you do (buy 7 boxes per month).
4. Try yourself DXN products so you can recommend them.
Be yourself the result of DXN's Products. ( TESTIMONY DXN )
1. No pay annuity or renewal.
2. Your points accumulate always month to month.
3. Gain a commission from your own purchases, at least the minimum volumen, ( 7 box of products
4. Lifetime Membership and Heritable.
5. You Never lost your Organitization or Status.
6. With only purchase one (1) box in a year, your Membership is still active.
7. If someone from your network surpass you in your status, you still get royalties from them.
8. Your monthly charge points for ALL its bonds, long lifetime will be of 100 PV. (Approximately 22
...and More.
Language :
"Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food." (Hippocrates)
For More Information:
You contact us via our emails, if you are only interested in consuming
DXN Products and / or want to be an Independent distributor of our products and
join our organization
Dr. Gloria Beatriz Marañon Rendón
Number of Sponsor : 180005288
Skype: gloriadxn
TEL : 01 - 444 - 810 - 03 - 09
TEL : 01 - 744 - 480 - 04 - 68